Monday, July 5, 2010

Tribute to Mandy

Mandy was always a dark child.. But never seemed to open up to anybody, not even her parents. I don't think that she evn opened up to Grim until they married. She owned Grim because she beat him in a libo competition. she and her idiot friend billy always bossed him around and treated him like nothing but a slave, but secretly she envyed Grim. Not caring if she died. She never really showed fear..EVER. One day she realized that her time was coming. how did she know you ask? Well they had gone through so many death defying adventures, that she wondered how she wasn't dead yet. So she went to grim to see her hourglass. it was empty.. She wasn't surprized. So she now knew that grim should've already collected mandy's soul. So, she had tried to do something drastic. She slashed her neck with a knife. But then all the blood dried up in an instant. She was immortal. She wouldn't die until Grim said so. years went by. She turned into mayor eventually. But by night she was a trained assasin. One day on the day that Grim was supposed to kill her.. he proposed to her. They married.. She had a son first. Then a Daughter. to learn about them read the reat of my blogs or for the entire story go to grim/

Tribute To Grim

Grim is death. Everybody knows that. He had lost a game of limbo all because of a very sick old hamster that Mandy and her idiot friend Billy wished to keep from dying. Mandy had challenged him. That game is what made them what they are today. Grim was inprisoned in the palms of two ten year olds. As this continued for i don't know how long, His rep began to fall. he was now a soft looser. As years went by he grew feelings for these two kids. Mainly Mandy. He had such respet for her dark aura.. She didn't really want to leave her. they switched lives for a day. And mandy had done so many dispicablre things that grim was just not prepared for... He had seen everything about Mandy. That is also one of the things that made their love just as strong. So years went by. Grim finally collected Billy's soul. Mandy never died. Because Grim proposed to Mandy. She had said yes. they got married... Once again death was back. With two bundels of evil joy. to learn more... Go to grim/

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tribute to MiniMandy


MiniMandy is the princess of the underworld. She has two fathers. Her biological father is Nergal Jr. (Uncle Nergal to grim Jr.) She has a special talent. She is a dancer, actress, singer and a very powerful demon girl. Her father that she lives with is Grim Reaper. Mandy is her biological mom though. MiniMandy had died but then was re-birthed. Her soul belonged in heaven, but had been placed in the deepest and drakest corners of Hell. Yet when her soul had been set free from her body, one of the guardian angels had wanted to take her back to heaven. When she was in the way of death she gave her right eye to her brother. Which the right eye posesses everything Minnie is and ever was. It is the holder of her powers. Grim jr. now had demon powers. The guardian angel finally fgured out that it was not Minnie's time. She was re-birthed into a new body. but sadly does not have her powers.. To learn all of the extras to Minnie's story go to grim/

Tribute to Grim Jr.

Grim Jr was Mandy and Grim's first son. The heir to the underworld throne. Everyone is asking how can life give birth to death? Well, don't you remember when Mandy slashed her neck with a knife and all of the blood dried up in an instant? Well, since Grim said she wouldn't die until he said so. She married him so that made her immortal. And she is considered to be life and death. so she can have either. And MiniMandy is life, but Jr is death. The basic thing is she can have either. Jr had no powers unlike Minnie. He did not respect Minnie's gift and showed many signs of jealousy. Also, She had an amazing talent that made her quite famous. Jr learned something and knew that he should embrass his sister's abilities. Jr is twelve I think because it said in the page titled "Alone" the sentence said... "Sweet through ELEVEN". So that must mean that Jr is twelve. Because Jr is older than MiniMandy. Well that's basically all I know about Grim Jr. Go to grim/ for the whole story.

The History of Grim and Mandy

Mandy won against Grim in a "limbo" game.. This began their never ending friendship. Mandy owned Grim. Causing them to have all sorts of really hilarious adventures. of course this was called "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". After a while, mandy was noticing something... They had gone through so many death defying adventures that she was wondering why she wasn't dead yet. Continuesly, she kept on asking Grim if it was her time. He never answered because she a regular mortal was not allowed to see when their life was supposed to end, but Grim let her see it. Mandy was not surprized and she was right, Grim should have already collected her soul. Grim had always had some sort of feelings for Mandy, but never wanted to show it. He had respect for the dark aura around her soul. When Mandy finally realized that she can't keep death away from the world... She set Grim free. years later, grim kept watching Mandy grow into a very beautiful and amazing woman. Finally.. It was Mandy's time. Grim proposed to Mandy. On the day he was supposed to kill her. They got married.. they had their first son. Grim Jr. He is the heir to the under world throne. Then, they had MiniMandy. She had nergal demon powers. But alas, Jr. had no powers at the time until the horror that was held on halloween night. Read Grimtales from down below to learn what happened. (grim/ And thats the story of Mandy and Grim.